
graduate / Other people


The following people are permitted to use the General Library of Yamanashi Gakuin.

・External users(those who live or work in Yamanashi prefecture and are over 18years of age)
Note : High school students other than Yamanashi Gakuin Senior High School students are not permitted to use the Library.
・Alumni of Yamanashi Gakuin schools, college and university.
・Former faculty and staff members of Yamanashi Gakuin School Corporation(YGSC).

Using the Library

・Before using the Library, please fill out the form and submit at the circulation desk on the first floor.
Note : You can find the from at the circulation desk.
・We issue a library user's card for repeated users. Please bring your identification card (i.e. driver's license card or student ID card if you are from another university) to the circulation desk at the first floor and register for the library card.

♢Entering the Library
Please show your library user's card at the circulation desk on the first floor and receive a permission card. Please carry the permission card with you all the time during your stay in the Library. When leaving, please return the card at the circulation desk on the first floor.

♢Borrowing materials
Please bring your library user's card and books you wish to borrow to the circulation desk. You can borrow up to 3 books at a time for 2 weeks.
Loan extension is not allowed. In the case that loan period is overdue, you will be restricted to borrow any other books. In the case that a book is returned after due date, borrowing privilege will be suspended for a week if the overdue stays within one week. In the case that a book is returned more than one week after due date, borrowing privilege will be forfeited; however, library user's card can be reissued after three months.

♢Searching information
You can use computers according to the intended use. Please show your library user's card at the circulation desk on the first floor.

♢Reference service
We can help you with your study and research.

♢Renewing library user's card
Expiration date of library user's card is March 31 of its issued year.
After April, we check your personal information such as address and renew the card.


・You can photocopy materials in the Library within the Copyright Act.
・Black and white (all size): 10 yen/page
・Color (all size): 50 yen/page
・Fill in the form Request of Material Use and Photocopy and submit it at the circulation desk on the first floor.